Enhancing Public Accountability and Making a Difference

Supreme Audit Institution of Uganda

103 News Articles

900 Kampala schools are operating illegally-KCCA

A Disaster in Waiting

After Umeme's 20 -year concession-What next

AG in U-turn on ghost Parliament employees

AG Muwanga wants review of Karuma dam interest rate swap deal

AG Queries Sh 12B NUP Accountability

AG Report, Why UPE has failed to catch steam 27 years later

AG unearths diversion of funds, payroll inconsistencies at Parliament

AG Unearths Rot in PDM

Agriculture officials grilled over irregular goats procurement

Akol upbeat after Vetting for AG Job

Audit Registers Regional Imbalance in Drug Supply

Audit Report Exposes holes in how Political Parties Spend Public Funds

Audit Report Exposes holes in how Political Parties Spend Public Funds

Auditor General completes Salary Payroll Audit, Recommends 10,192 to be strcuk off

Auditor General Names Govt Entities not paying Dividends

Auditor General Names Govt Entities not paying Dividends 1

Auditor General Names Govt Entities not paying Dividends 2

Auditor General-Govt misses Shs52 billion from gold exports

Billions paid to ghost workers, new audit finds

Billions waste in expired medicine

Buyer beware-Govt Bond Market Lacks Investor Protection

CID Probes Suspected Ghosts on Police Payroll

Commentary-Govt entities should uphold accountability in financial decisions

COSASE Chair tips Vision Group on Innovation

Covid Vaccines worth billions go bad

Cross-border fraud punches holes in URA Tax Collection

Digital Number Plates-Report Casts Doubt on Project Readiness

Drug Shortages drive more patients away from Govt Units

Drug stock-outs-How patients are coping

Editorial-Govt payroll-Build robust system to detect fraud instantly

Editorial-Increase resources for school Inspection

Editorial-Pinetti must account for Lubowa Hospital

End of Era-Muwanga to pass baton to Akol

Finance Directs on Govt Land Use

Finance Ministry directs on Payment of Sh 200B Arrears

Finance Releases Sh5.8 Trillion to MDAs for First Quarter

Finance, URA in the eyes of Shs14.6B Bonus Storm

Ghost Civil Servants paid billions-report

Ghost Workers-Museveni Orders Arrest of Accounting Officers

Govt Job Renewals to Consider Project Performance-Ggoobi

Govt MDAs owe UETCL Sh175b, says Auditor General

Govt okays hospitals to recruit more medics

Govt starts Pensioners Headcount

Govt's multibillion Coffee drinking project doomed

How Covid-19 Lockdown Spiked the Cost of Rural Water

How Shs1b Covid cash got stolen-AG report

How the Govt lost Shs 1.4 trillion in tax incentives

Illegal Fishermen rule Uganda lakes

Inflated Pay-62 Works Ministry Official Probed

Inside cracks in Shs 600b for maternal healthcare

Inside cracks in Shs 600b for maternal healthcare 1

Inside cracks in Shs 600b for maternal healthcare 2

Lubowa Hospital-A multi-billion shilling ghost enterprise

Mandatory Motor Vehicle Inspection to Start

MPs grill UIA Chiefs over excess money collection

Museveni tasks New Auditor General to smell Corruption

Museveni Wants Corrupt Offices Profiled

New Auditor General has Work Cut Out to Stop Graft

One inspector oversees 148 schools, says Auditor General

Over 7700 Public Servants to be Scrapped off Payroll this Month

Over 7700 Public Servants to be Scrapped off Payroll this Month

Over Shs300m paid to ghost employees in Ntoroko-AG

Pension-Over 1,000 ex-EAC workers to be verified

Pressure mounts on Parliament over cash saga

Public Officials Inflate Costs in Budgeting-Kamya

Shs 45B Accountability Issues dog Political Parties

Shs 9.7 Billion lost in e-portal glitch, Auditor General says

Special Report-BOU, Finance lock horns over audit on heist

The Agony of Dealing with Delayed Justice

The Crisis at Uganda Cancer Institute

Uganda risks losing Shs12 trillion in natural disasters

Uganda risks losing Shs12 trillion in natural disasters

Unmasking gaps in Cancer Care

UNRA under fire for retaining 6,600 land titles

URC paid staff Shs1b in excess cash-report

UWA fires five staff over gorilla permits scandal

Where do Corrupt Officials Hide Money

Who is Akol, the new Auditor General

Why 20 Watchdogs have failed to Stop Corruption

Why Govt Failed to collect shs31B from Gold Exporters

Why Govt Salaries will Delay

Why only 2% Special Needs children enrol in Primary

Wildlife body fails to spend conservation funds