Enhancing Public Accountability and Making a Difference

Supreme Audit Institution of Uganda

Holder of a Bachelors of Commerce degree in Accounting from Makerere University and a Certified Public Accountant of over 17 years with membership of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya and Uganda. A holder as well of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Heriot Watt university - Scotland and several certificates through extensive trainings in Public Sector audits including leadership and management courses at Harvard University, AFROSAI E and Crown Agents

Joined the Office of the Auditor General in 1994 as an Auditor and rose through the ranks to the current position of Auditor General.

He has extensive experience in public sector accounting and audit. He is currently on the Governing Council of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda as a member and Chairperson of the Audit committee of council. Also Chairperson of the Board of Auditors of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The COMESA Board is responsible for the audit of accounts of COMESA and its affiliates.

He was the Vice Chairperson of the multi-sector committee for the development of the National Audit Act and Regulations that currently govern the operations of the Office of the Auditor General. This committee was pivotal in the development and passing of the OAG National Audit Act 2008 which is in use today.

Stephen Kateregga

Assistant Auditor General - Corporate Services / Accounting Officer

James Bantu

Director of Audit - Forensic Investigations and IT Audits

Joseph Hirya

Director of Audit - Central Government Two

Martin Bamulumbye

Director of Audit - Central Government One

Anthony Kimuli

Director of Audit - Value For Money and Specialised Audits

Sheila N. Ssemugooma

Director of Audit - Local Authorities One

Bob Godwin Monday

Director of Audit - Local Authorities Two

Florence B. Businge

Director Finance and Administration

Alice Kembabazi R. Amumpaire

Assistant Director of Audit - Central Government One

Didas Tumuhairwe

Ag. Director - Human Resource Management

Robert Kamukama

Assistant Director of Audit - Local Authorities One

Josephat Nuwabeine

Ag. Director - Stakeholder Engagement

Caroline Bonabana Kwikiriza

Ag. Director - Legal Services

Liz Nambuya

Assistant Director of Audit - Value For Money and Specialised Audits

Fabian Lwanga Tonda

Ag. Director - Information Technology

Dr.Andrew Timothy Nsamba

Ag. Director - Quality Assurance and Audit Development (QAAD)

Dr.Christopher Neil Makanga

Assistant Director - Forensic Investigations and IT Audits

Aturai Richard Patrick

Assistant Director - Central Government Two

Charles Alumai

Assistant Director - Value For Money and Specialised Audits

Nicholas Kibuuka

Assistant Director - Finance and Administration