Enhancing Public Accountability and Making a Difference
Supreme Audit Institution of Uganda
AG's report erodes remaining trust in fight against corruption
Audio clips reveals cash scam at Uganda Embassy
Avail SH 518B or No 2021 elections- Electoral Commission
Central bank boss probed over missing land titles from closed banks
Controversy surrounds Govt shares in J&M Hotel
Entebbe airport expansion delayed, contractor claims over 14B payment
Fighting against corruption should start at family level- First Lady
Goverment loses billions on transmission projects- AG
Govt asked to set clear rules for oil and gas revenue management
Govt firms costing Ugandans heavily
Inside story of REA intrigue, fights
Justice Ministry wants sh 545 Bn to clear court Awards
KCCA to recover Nkurumah dispensary
MAK Bosses in hot soup
Museveni orders probe into NIRA
OAG women mark international women's day
Oil funded projects not named- Auditor General
PAC faults Foreign Affairs Official over 248 unutilised scholarships
PAC pins Lira Vasity Secretary over 30M
Parliament asks govt to limit expensive loans
Parliament wants audit on mismanagement of NIRA
SH 15B missing on custodian Board Account
Top law officials pay back sh 205M after IGG probe
Report reveals gross deficiencies at Nalubaale dam